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Sale City Days

August 10, 2024

Back to School fun at the Community Park on August 10, 2024 from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM.  Come out and enjoy the fun!

Town Hall Meeting

August 06, 2024

The City of Sale City will host a Town Hall meeting on the Federally mandated changes to the water system in our community. The Town Hall meeting will be held at the Community Center on August 6th at 7:30 PM.  Come out and join us and learn about these important changes in our community

Pumpkin Contest

July 17, 2024

Have you planted your pumpkin seeds yet? If you haven't hurry and get them in the ground! Sale City is having a Pumpkin Contest! We will be giving prizes for the:





Bring your pumpkins by the City Hall no later the October 25th.  And remember don't decorate your pumpkins!!! Prizes will be announced later.